Check gift card balance
- Forever Christmas (2511)
- Holiday Accessories (20)
- Holiday Light Up Prints (17)
- Holiday Lanterns (42)
- Holiday Greens (93)
- Holiday Specialty Lights (34)
- Holiday Statement Pieces (37)
- Holiday Tabletop Decor (289)
- Holiday Cards & Stationary (25)
- Holiday Ornaments (932)
- Holiday Tree Trimmings & Mantle Decor (176)
- Holiday Candles & Scents (96)
- Holiday Baby & Kids Gifts (83)
- Holiday Kitchen & Dining (135)
- Holiday Figures & Plush (95)
- Holiday Home Decor (166)
- Holiday Night Lights (34)
- Holiday Vases & Containers (11)
- Holiday Snow Globes (21)
- Holiday Misc Gifts (76)
- Holiday Pillows (25)
- Holiday Wall Art (47)
- Backyard Bird & Garden (2407)
- Bird Feeders (380)
- Bluebird Feeders (19)
- Hummingbird & Butterfly Feeders (97)
- Oriole Feeders (14)
- PVC and Copper Feeders (0)
- Seed Tube Feeders (15)
- Squirrel Buster Feeders (11)
- Suet Feeders (30)
- Window Feeders (16)
- Nyjer/Thistle Feeders (7)
- Decorative Seed Feeders (21)
- Peanut Feeders (4)
- Dome, Platform & Hopper Feeders (27)
- Bird Feeder Accessories (84)
- Suet & Seed Cakes (3)
- Nectar & Jelly (1)
- Bird Baths (283)
- Bird Houses (311)
- Bird Food (155)
- Bird Pole Systems, Mounts, Hooks & Brackets (62)
- Garden (1056)
- Bird Books & Misc Gifts (150)
- Bird Feeders (380)
- Bell Farm Gift & Home (7522)
- Gift Card (0)
- 123 Farm (9)
- 163 Design Company (3)
- 1canoe2 (11)
- 6 hour timer, repeats every 18 hours (0)
- A Cheerful Candle (8)
- A Cheerful Giver (9)
- A Graphics Design (0)
- A&B Floral (10)
- Abrams Books (15)
- Accent Accessories (5)
- Aden and Anais (4)
- Adorro (0)
- AdventureKEEN (24)
- Alexander Taron (13)
- Alice's Cottage (42)
- Alison Haddon (4)
- Allport Editions (77)
- Allsop (5)
- Amanda Blu (8)
- Amaranth (0)
- Andrea McDonough (2)
- Andreairenestudio (10)
- Andreas (48)
- Annie Loto Studios (27)
- Appleseed Flower Farm (0)
- Art by Alyssa (1)
- Artists to Watch (73)
- Aspects (2)
- Attractor (0)
- Aurora (22)
- Autumn Designs (137)
- Avery Lane Gifts (12)
- Aviologie (23)
- azn (1)
- Backyard Garlic (2)
- Backyard Tailz (1)
- Badger (66)
- Bare Natural Soap Co (11)
- Beaver Dam Woodworks (16)
- Becky Wright Pottery (5)
- Becoming (49)
- Becoming Jewelry (31)
- Bee Dandy (1)
- Bee Raw (1)
- Beedandy (11)
- Ben's Sugar Shack (6)
- Best Nest (9)
- Beth (8)
- BeyBerk International (4)
- Biely & Shoaf (41)
- Big Heart Tea Co. (8)
- Billy Bamboo (0)
- Bixby Chocolate (7)
- Black Lantern (8)
- Blackbird Letterpress (5)
- Bloomaker (27)
- Bloomingville (1)
- Bonblissity (1)
- Born in a Barn (8)
- Boston International (16)
- Botanopia USA (1)
- Bradley Caldwell, Inc (65)
- bric-a-brac MAINE (0)
- Bright Stripes (10)
- Bumble and Birch, LLC (3)
- Buoy Pops (0)
- Burdock & Bramble (4)
- C&F Enterprise (54)
- Camp Craft Cocktails (2)
- Campania International (222)
- Cape Candle (3)
- Cape Shore (28)
- Caracol (13)
- Carruth Studio (9)
- Carstens Inc (4)
- Casco Bay Soap Co. (9)
- catstudio (9)
- Cavallini Papers & Co (67)
- Center Street Soap Co (11)
- Chala Handbags (0)
- Charles Abbott (0)
- Cherapy (1)
- City Bonfires (2)
- Classy Grips (5)
- Clever Goods (5)
- Coastal Maine Popcorn Co. (3)
- Coastal New Hampshire Trades LLC (0)
- Cognitive Surplus (6)
- Cohasset Gift Garden (13)
- Colleen Deiss Designs (13)
- Common Ground Publishing (12)
- Continental Art Center (2)
- Cooking Gift Set Co. (1)
- Copernicus Toys (4)
- Corkcicle (5)
- Counter Couture (24)
- Coveside Conservation Products (13)
- Creative Co-Op (160)
- Creature Cups (1)
- DAM LLC (4)
- Danielle Lehoux (4)
- Darice (6)
- DaydreamHQ (62)
- Dean's Sweets (7)
- Dear Hancock (1)
- Delton Gifts (7)
- Demdaco (22)
- DEV D + CO. (21)
- DM Merchandising (3)
- Dock 6 Pottery (8)
- Doles Orchard (11)
- Down East Books (4)
- Down to Earth Pottery (1)
- Driftless Studios (4)
- Dulse and Rugosa (1)
- Eangee Home Design (6)
- Earth Grown KidDoughs (6)
- Earth sky water (70)
- Earth Sun Moon Trading Company (12)
- eco-kids (10)
- El's Cards (9)
- Elegant Garden Design (10)
- emily lex studio (23)
- Eric & Christopher (3)
- Ersilia Design (0)
- Esschert Design USA, LLC (2)
- Eurographics Inc. (5)
- European Soaps (4)
- FaceTory (11)
- Farmer's Body (3)
- Farmhouse Fresh (44)
- Fashion City (21)
- Feelgoodz (2)
- FinchBerry (15)
- Firefly Field Prints (14)
- Flatyz (42)
- Florida Dancing Birds (14)
- Flower Floozy (3)
- Flying Ruby Botanicals (12)
- Flying Wish Paper (21)
- Foreside Garden & Home (14)
- Forever Green Art (1)
- Found Image Press (12)
- Fox Chapel Publishing (20)
- Fred and Friends (8)
- Fringe (2)
- Funatic (9)
- Garden Age (33)
- Garden Works (11)
- Georgetown Pottery (5)
- Gerson Companies (8)
- Gift Republic (23)
- Giftable Memories (0)
- Glass Eye Studio (3)
- Glo Pals (11)
- Gneiss Spice LLC (1)
- Good Directions (3)
- Gourmac/Hutzler (2)
- Goverre (2)
- Grandpas Garden (13)
- Great Bay Chocolates (2)
- Green Meadow Birdhouses (0)
- Green Tree Jewelry (12)
- Griffin (1)
- Habersham Candle Co. (5)
- Hadley Wren (5)
- Hands Craft (14)
- Hanna's Handiworks, LLC (70)
- Hard Nectar (0)
- Harmony Mill Paperie (6)
- Harper Collins (9)
- Heartwood (50)
- Heritage Primitives (1)
- Heritage Puzzle (9)
- Hester and Cook (30)
- Historic Woods, LLC (49)
- Holiball (1)
- HomArt (5)
- Home Made By Rivka (9)
- Homesick (2)
- Hot Skwash (4)
- Howards (67)
- Illume (89)
- In the Breeze (22)
- Ingeneius (3)
- Ingrid Press (25)
- Inkwood Crafters (6)
- Innisbrook Wraps (8)
- Innovative Glass and Home (4)
- IQ Brands (14)
- J Devlin Glass Art (9)
- Jack Rabbit Creations (7)
- JCSunny Fashion (3)
- Jillson & Roberts (7)
- Joy Accessories (80)
- Joy Lane Farm (27)
- JT Woodworks (1)
- Julia's Southern Foods (1)
- June Watercolor (7)
- Just Bee (0)
- Just Dough It! (4)
- K & K Interiors Inc (72)
- Kate Broughton (25)
- Kate Talcott Artistry (6)
- Katie Daisy (11)
- Kelly Lime (3)
- Kenton Kreations (0)
- Kikkerland (78)
- Kimberly James Jewelry (0)
- Kiss Me in the Garden (3)
- Kitras Art Glass (9)
- Kokostar (9)
- Kurt Adler (231)
- L&S Lone Star Designs LLC (1)
- Lady Jane (3)
- Lani Makana (3)
- Lantern Press (22)
- Laughing Moon LLC (4)
- Laura King Paints (5)
- Laurel Hill Jams & Jellies (9)
- Leightworks (6)
- Let's Get Sewin' (7)
- Lion Ribbon (2)
- Lively Accents (0)
- lizzie (0)
- Lizzie Mae (0)
- Lizzie Mae Bird Seed (64)
- Long Winter Soap Company (15)
- Loon Chocolate (0)
- Lucuma Designs (45)
- Lucy Grymes Designs (1)
- Mabel and Dottie Shop (5)
- Macone Clay (1)
- Mad Gab's (2)
- Madd Capp (14)
- Made in Brockton Village (8)
- Madelaine Chocolate (1)
- Magnifique Hearts (2)
- Magnolia Casuals (4)
- Maine Maple Products, Inc (9)
- Maine Needham Company (9)
- Maine Shellware (1)
- Maine Soap Company (12)
- Mainely Pet Portraits (4)
- Maple Landmark, Inc (24)
- MCCS (2)
- McSea Books LLC (4)
- Meadow Flowers Art (9)
- Meadowbrooke Gourd (26)
- Meadowland Syrup (11)
- melr (0)
- Melrose International, LLC (86)
- Mera Vic (24)
- Metalbird (8)
- Micro Puzzles (8)
- Miscellanous Vendors (2)
- Mixologie (1)
- Modern Sprout (24)
- Modgy (49)
- Molly O (156)
- Mr Bird (39)
- Mr. Ellie Pooh Fair Trade (47)
- Mud and Maker (6)
- Mud Pie (261)
- Mudworks Pottery (52)
- Munsell Made (1)
- My Spa Life (3)
- MYS Wholesale (3)
- Nature's Elements (0)
- Nectar Republic (7)
- Nora Fleming (199)
- North Country Wind Bells (28)
- Northern Lights (2)
- Northern Possessions (5)
- Now Designs by Danica (0)
- NThandmade Jewelry (10)
- Nubble Light Candle (24)
- NY Puzzle Company (18)
- Oakwind Hollow (2)
- Old Blue Tide Clocks (5)
- Old World Christmas (38)
- Olde Haven Farm (35)
- Om Gallery (1)
- OneCanoeTwo (8)
- Out of Our Gourd (3)
- Outset Games & Cobble Hill Puzzles (40)
- P. Graham Dunn (24)
- Paddywax (0)
- paisley (0)
- Paisley & Parsley (0)
- Paisley and Parsley (38)
- Pam Peters Designs (12)
- Panache Apparel Co. (2)
- Paper Arboretum (7)
- Paper Collage (18)
- Paper Farm Press (6)
- Paper Products Design (127)
- Paper Wolf Design (7)
- Parasol,LLC (47)
- Paris Farmers Union (1)
- Park Designs (17)
- Park Hill Collections (1)
- Petal People Press (8)
- Peter Pauper Press (144)
- Pilgrim Imports (45)
- Pop 'N Dulge (3)
- Porter Lane Home (7)
- Pretty Flours (8)
- Primitive House Farm (0)
- Primitives by Kathy (133)
- PTF (1)
- Puffin Coolers (1)
- Punch Studio (5)
- QMT Associates, Inc. (4)
- Quilling Cards (151)
- quiñohome (6)
- Rain Jewelry Collection (302)
- Raincaper (1)
- Raven's Rest Studio (122)
- Reclaimed Maine Co. (6)
- Reeci (6)
- Relaxound (7)
- Reliant Ribbon (53)
- Revival Homestead Supply (1)
- Rifle Paper Co (5)
- Rinse Bath Body Inc. (10)
- Rising Tide (14)
- River of Goods (40)
- Robert Frederick Ltd (11)
- Robin Reed (7)
- Rockflowerpaper (48)
- Roman Inc (85)
- Root 23 (0)
- Royal Rose Syrups (5)
- Rustic Farm (2)
- Salt Air Designs (0)
- Salty Signs Designs (8)
- Sarah Angst (20)
- Sarah Edmonds Illustration (14)
- Scentsicles (1)
- ScentSimple Candle Company (5)
- Sea Island Imports, Inc. (10)
- Sea Love Candles (5)
- Sea Ranch Jewelry (2)
- Seagate Studio (14)
- Sealux (0)
- Sealuxe (4)
- Seasons Design (2)
- Seattle Seed Co. (4)
- Seawicks (33)
- Sewphisticated Handcrafts (4)
- Shannon Wong Pottery (2)
- Shell Ink (2)
- Shihreen (19)
- Silver Circle Products (2)
- Silver Tree Home & Holiday (62)
- Simon & Schuster (22)
- Simpson and Vail (6)
- Sincere Surroundings (49)
- SlackTide (5)
- Small Victories (20)
- SOCCO Designs (2)
- Sourcebooks (31)
- Spinfinity Designs (12)
- Spongellé (9)
- Springbok (9)
- Stadler Form (1)
- Stone Age Creations, LTD (14)
- Stony Creek (94)
- Streamline (3)
- Studio 400 (3)
- Stuffed States USA (1)
- Sugarhouse Greetings (43)
- Sullivans (106)
- Sunset Hill Stoneware (1)
- Supreme Housewares (11)
- Sweet Grass Farm (5)
- Sweet Sanctions LLC (1)
- Sweet Thyme Design (0)
- Sweeter Cards (11)
- Talla Imports (83)
- Tasha McKelvey (2)
- TDIbrands (16)
- Ten Thousand Villages (7)
- The Bower Studio (15)
- The Buffalo Works (1)
- The Colored Petal (4)
- The Gnome Home (0)
- The Jonsteen Company (1)
- The Maine Bag Lady (11)
- The Qi (2)
- The Traveled Lane (2)
- The Trendy Traveler (2)
- The Vintage Pearl (1)
- The Wine Savant / Khen Glassware (3)
- Three Potato Four (2)
- Ticket Chocolate (0)
- Tickled Pink (0)
- Timber Bay Home & Garden (1)
- Time Concept Inc (0)
- Tina Labadini Designs (18)
- Tiny Tile Mosaics (0)
- Toysmith (33)
- True Brands (16)
- Tulias Artisan Gallery (8)
- Turkish Linen & Towels (1)
- Two's Company (5)
- Unemployed Philosophers Guild (21)
- United Global Products (1)
- Up With Paper (11)
- Urban Charm (1)
- Van Ert Traps (1)
- Vance Kitira (4)
- Vance Kitira International (13)
- Vena's Fizz House (1)
- Vermont Christmas Company (41)
- Villa Bain (0)
- Vinyl Fences Inc (2)
- Virgo Moon (3)
- W&P (3)
- Wanderlust (6)
- Warmies (117)
- Wayne Village Pottery (10)
- Wellspring (9)
- Wendel Brisson Suet (1)
- Wendy Hazen (27)
- WerkShoppe (9)
- West of the Wind (23)
- Whimsical Wire & Glass (3)
- Whitehall Products LLC (6)
- Wholesale Home Decor (15)
- Wilbur's of Maine (15)
- Wild and Wolf Inc (12)
- Wild Republic (33)
- Will's Company (16)
- WoehrlePaintings (1)
- Womanswork (6)
- Women of the Cloud Forest (6)
- Wood Inn Birdhouses LLC (1)
- Wood Stove Kitchen (9)
- Woodchart (5)
- Woodlander Workshop (6)
- Woodpecker Products (2)
- Woodstock Chimes (23)
- Woolzies (5)
- Workman Publishing (23)
- Worth Imports (34)
- yam collective (27)
- Yes Cocktail Co. (4)
- Young's Inc. (41)
- Your Wild Books (0)
- Your World Rocks (0)
- ZAD (0)
- Zaer Ltd. International (2)
- Zen Art Design (1)
- Zootility (1)
Bell Farm Shops News, Updates & Fun!: